位於英國,2010成立的微型組織Culture Device,致力以藝術做為催化劑,推廣社會文化活動。The RADICAL BEAUTY PROJECT的創立初衷,便是挑戰現今文化對「美」的看法和理解。該計畫與患有唐氏綜合症的模特兒以及攝影師進行創作,模糊藝術、攝影與時尚之間的界限。2022年,受英國中央聖馬丁藝術學院的邀請與該校學生共同合作,為此創作計畫展開系列性的展覽與演出活動。其中,以出版衍生的圖像集The Dictionary (of) Radical Beauty Project,試圖為「美」提供另一種觀看視角,攝影作品已強烈表現出激進個性,設計方面更著重於以精準的方式結合內容,利用紅色與封面撕裂的切形奠定調性,將從A to Z選出的代表字,與封面標題中的「Beauty」做對應位置的安排,強調之間的關係與文字的力量,呼應字典的本質,詮釋「美」的各種面向。

Culture Device, a micro-organization established in the UK in 2010, uses art as a catalyst to promote social and cultural activities. The RADICAL BEAUTY PROJECT aims to challenge contemporary perceptions and understandings of "Beauty." Collaborating with photographers and models with Down syndrome blurs the lines between art, photography, and fashion. This exhibition is a collaborative project with Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design students. The resulting collection of images, conceptualized as a dictionary, offers a new perspective on "Beauty."
The project's radical personality is powerfully conveyed through the photographic works. The design precisely integrates this content, using red and torn cover shapes to set the tone. Selected words from A to Z are positioned in the same spot as "Beauty" in the cover title, emphasizing their relationship and the power of words. This reflects the nature of a dictionary, interpreting various facets of "Beauty."

Graphic Design:Kuo Yen-Hung
Curator:Shine Lin
Edit:Shine Lin╱Malaurie Accrombessi╱Rui Fan╱Ellen Keillar
Client:Culture Device
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